
Advanced Thermophilic Biosolids Treatment

With the revolutionary ThermAer Process, achieve the results you want without compromising your quality or cost objectives.

Our patented ThermAer process delivers superior volatile solids and pathogen reduction combined with extremely low odor in any reactor configuration – with assured EPA Class A and/or exceptional quality certification.

Biosolids disposal is more complex than ever.

Many states have imposed restrictive legislation on land application, composting and landfills. Volume reduction and odor control are key elements in successful biosolids management. Thanks to ThermAer you have a solution.

Superior volatile solids reduction

ThermAer destroys 60-70% of volatile solids and increases dewatering cake solids as much as 25-30%. This process generates a high-quality product reducing solids volume by up to 70%, while saving on your transportation and disposal costs.

The nutrient and moisture content in ThermAer biosolids are ideal for direct land application as well as composting applications, often eliminating disposal costs.

Reduce business capital and operating expenses

Your savings in operating and capital expense can often more than justify your decision to specify ThermAer. It’s the ideal solution to upgrade your current system or as the heart of your new installation.

Process flexibility

You can meet required volatile solids destruction and pathogen kill rates with greater process flexibility. You can achieve the desired results in either a single reactor or multiple reactors as series or parallel systems.

Class A quality at Class B price

A quality product is needed to compete for access to today’s limited land application and re-use markets. With ThermAer, you’re assured of Class A solids classification under USEPA Part 503 regulations, giving you unrestricted use of your biosolids. You will achieve a nutrient-rich, high-quality product. ThermAer biosolids having minimal offensive odors and, because they meet pathogen 503 regulations, you can be confident of their stability and safety during handling and storage.

Increase downstream efficiency and synergy

ThermAer reduce volatile solids and improve dewaterability, resulting in reduced mass and volume. This significantly decreases the size, operational costs and capital investment of unit processes required for “further treatment” downstream (such as dewatering, drying, etc.), while increasing their efficiency.



Check out the brochure to learn more about the ThermAer process